Clinical Research Center s.r.o.

Cert No. 16864-QMS
ISO 9001

The management system of Clinical Research Center s.r.o. is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.

In 2018, Clinical Research Center s.r.o. successfully completed the certification process for management system of services in project management and coordination of clinical studies in accordance with ISO 9001:2015. Within the certification audit, Alcumus ISOQAR established the requirements of the above standard have been met.

In 2022, we successfully went through the recertification process.

The implemented management system of Clinical Research Center s.r.o. is one of the means that guarantee stability, quality and reliability of the services provided to our customers.

The management system of Clinical Research Center s.r.o. is in accordance with the organization strategy and emphasizes employee development and their active participation in continuous improvement of company activities. Risk analysis at all company levels is a significant area, together with the processes related to understanding the requirements of the customers and stakeholders.

Values of Clinical Research Center s.r.o.

We actively contribute to the approval of new treatment options and patient diagnostics while maintaining safety. We provide information about study progress to patients with sensitivity. We facilitate the process of development and testing of more effective and safer drugs and medical instruments.

Through professional and specialized involvement of our team of study coordinators, we allow the physician to fully concentrate on the activities within their medical practice and the study protocol.

Clinical study sponsor
We adjust to the individual needs of our clients – physicians, medical facilities, pharmaceutical companies and clinical study sponsors. We strive to provide reliable services with the required added value, improve competitiveness and performance of our clients. Their success is the prerequisite of our own success.

Employee and team
We believe in the power of team work, using synergies and potential of the company and the individuals. Continuous education and development of our employees as well as the motivating work environment contribute to the contentment of our employees. Only thanks to the flexible teamwork, we achieve exceptional results in our performance.

We pay attention to specialized training of our staff and carefully selected physicians. We ensure the respective tasks are performed in accordance with approved procedures and directives. We emphasize data quality and credibility during collection and processing. We measure and evaluate our process parameters as well as the clinical study schedule observance.

Personal engagement
Strong personal engagement of the team members helps to achieve the commonly set goals, improve corporate processes and personal skills of individuals. We are aware of our own impact on the company and maintain active work attitude.

Fairness and social responsibility
In all internal and external relationships, we act as a trustworthy, loyal and respected partner. We believe in our mission.

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